Message from the Principal
We have created a **Weekly Assignments Google Doc** to help you stay informed about your child’s assignments and deadlines. This document includes separate tabs for each week, making it easy to view all upcoming work and due dates in one place.
Each Tuesday, the assignments will be updated so you and your child can keep track of what’s due and when. The Google Doc is accessible at the links below for grades 7 and 8, allowing you to check in regularly and help your child stay organized and on top of their responsibilities.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to your child's Pride Pack/WIN teacher. We appreciate your support in helping your child stay on track and succeed at DMS!
7th Grade Homework & Assignments - Google Doc Link!
8th Grade Homework & Assignments - Google Doc Link!
DMS Family Newlsetter - December 2024-January 2025
DMS Family Newsletter - October-November 2024
DMS Band Newsletter! January 2025
DMS Band Newsletter! December 2024
DMS Band Newsletter! November 2024
DMS Band Newsletter! October 2024
DMS BAND WEBSITE - Bookmark this site if you're a band parent!
Monarch Media Google Site is up and running! Our Extended Learning students are proud to bring you this informative and entertaining publication! LINK
DMS Staff 2024-25 - Slide Show
(click to advance slides / haga clic para avanzar diapositivas)
Does your child talk about WIN and CharacterStrong at home?
Here is a bit more information!
What I Need groups, or WIN groups, meet opposite lunch for 25 minutes each day. During WIN time students will receive assistance with their work, have opportunities to get extra help, and learn about Social-Emotional issues through the Character Strong program. One of the aims at our school is to equip young people for all the realities of today’s world. With that in mind, we have partnered with CharacterStrong – an organization that provides training for educators and social & emotional learning curriculum for students. Their work in grades 6-12 focus on 3 main outcomes: increasing a sense of belonging for all students, improving skills that support student well-being, and deepening student engagement in their academics, in their school, and in their community. Denison CSD is implementing CharacterStrong PK-12 so you can ask any School Counselor about how we are building strong character!
¿Su hijo habla sobre WIN y CharacterStrong en casa? ¡Aquí hay un poco más de información!
Los grupos de Lo que necesito, o grupos WIN, se reúnen frente al almuerzo durante 25 minutos cada día. Durante el tiempo de WIN, los estudiantes recibirán ayuda con su trabajo, tendrán oportunidades de ayuda adicional y aprenderán sobre problemas socioemocionales a través del programa Character Strong. Uno de los objetivos de nuestra escuela es preparar a los jóvenes para todas las realidades del mundo actual. Con eso en mente, nos hemos asociado con CharacterStrong, una organización que brinda capacitación para educadores y un plan de estudios de aprendizaje social y emocional para los estudiantes. Su trabajo en los grados 6-12 se enfoca en 3 resultados principales: aumentar el sentido de pertenencia para todos los estudiantes, mejorar las habilidades que apoyan el bienestar de los estudiantes y profundizar la participación de los estudiantes en sus estudios académicos, en su escuela y en su comunidad. ¡Denison CSD está implementando CharacterStrong PK-12 para que pueda preguntarle a cualquier consejero escolar sobre cómo estamos construyendo un carácter fuerte!
What do students do in as they arrive to school and in Pride Pack? Here's a peek! 
Please remember to charge your school-issued Chromebook and ensure that it is in good working order. If a problem arises, submit a trouble ticket at the link below.
Welcome to Denison Middle School. We house grades 6-8 and have a student enrollment of over 500 students. We opened the doors to the district's newest facility in 2008. You can find us just north of Denison High School.
At DMS we are proud to serve a linguistically and ethnically diverse population. Our students come to us from a number of locations around the globe and represent more than 10 languages. At school our students have the opportunity to be involved in Fine Arts productions, Project Lead the Way, Student Council, and Science Bound. Our 7th and 8th grade Monarch athletic teams participate in competitions in football, volleyball, cross country, basketball, wrestling, and track and field.
We R.O.A.R. with Pride by Respecting all, being On Task/On Time, Achieving our best, and by being Responsible Citizens. All students will be issued an ID card on a lanyard the first day of school and students are expected to have their ID card with them each day. ID cards are scanned for lunch and for checking out library books.
Monarchs R.O.A.R. with Pride!
R = Respect All, O = On Task/On Time, A = Achieve My Best, R = Responsible Citizen

Ms. Ryan, DMS Principal, and Mr. Bradley, DMS Asst. Principal, and all DMS Staff are here to help our middle school families navigate this exciting time in your child's education. Please let us know how we can best serve you!