Message from the Principal

**New families to Denison** - Please visit your child's school as soon as possible to set up the registration process and for us to provide you with more information.  Welcome to Denison Community Schools!



July 26, 2024

Dear DES Families,

At Denison Elementary, we have a dedicated staff that enjoys working together to provide the best for our students. Our district and schools are recognized for being innovative and student centered in many important areas. Through the diversity of our people's talents and school resources, we can provide your child with a special and unique educational experience that will best prepare them for an ever-changing world.


Your child's teacher for next year will be sending a welcome letter to your child.  It should be delivered by August 15th.  Before that time, you can go online to your PowerSchool parent account and see your child(ren)'s homeroom(s).  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.


Thank you for entrusting us to serve you and your children this upcoming school year. Through words and actions - our staff, students, and school community will continue to live out our school motto: “Be responsible, do your best, and help the rest!”




Christopher Schulz

Denison Elementary Principal








Important Dates and Information


Upcoming Events

July 15th - August 15th-  - Online Registration is Open
**New families to Denison** - Please visit the school as soon as possible to set up the registration process and for us to provide you with more information.
Wed., Aug. 21st - DES TK-3 Open House, 2 to 6 PM
Fri., Aug.23rd - 1st Day of School
Wed., Aug. 28th - Mini Monarchs Preschool Open House, 2 to 6 PM
Thurs., Aug. 29th - 1st Day of School for PK4 (4 year olds)
Tues., Sept. 3rd - 1st Day of PK3 (3 yr olds)
Thurs., Sept. 12th - SCHOOL PICTURE DAY

Report Bullying/Harassment at DES

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Elementary School Resources

Seesaw Assistance | View Website

Student Technology Help Desk | View Website

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“The Denison Difference”

Denison Community Schools, in collaboration with the family and community, provides quality learning today preparing students for tomorrow.

“Quality Learning Today; Preparing Citizens of Tomorrow”
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